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  • Corral Chatter 7_2024

JULY 2024

Our purpose is to promote good fellowship between horsemen and a greater understanding of horses.

• President’s Message

• Event Calendar

• Events - Last Month's Fun

• Membership

• General Meeting Minutes 

• Volunteer Corner

• Photo Funnies and Classified Ads

President's Message

Dear Members,

As we usher in the month of July, we are filled with excitement and pride for the upcoming events that celebrate our community, our country, and our rich history. This month, we have several remarkable events where our association will shine, and we hope you’ll join us in making these occasions unforgettable.

148th Morgan Hill Freedom Fest Parade

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the 148th Morgan Hill Freedom Fest Parade on July 4th. This annual event is a highlight of our community's Independence Day celebrations, and it is an honor for us to be part of it. Our members and their magnificent horses will be parading through the streets, showcasing our pride and passion for horsemanship. We invite all members to come out and support our riders or join the parade with us. Let’s make this Independence Day one to remember with a fantastic display of our equestrian spirit!

9th Annual Almaden Lake Fireworks Festival

On July 4th, we will be participating in the 9th Annual Almaden Lake Fireworks Festival. This festival is a wonderful opportunity for us to gather as a community and enjoy a day of fun, music, and, of course, spectacular fireworks. Our association will have a booth set up where we can share information about our activities, recruit new members, and connect with fellow equestrians and horse-lovers alike. We encourage you to bring your families, enjoy the festivities, and help us spread the word about our association.

80th Anniversary of the Santa Clara County Fair

This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the Santa Clara County Fair, and we are proud to be part of this historic celebration across two consecutive weekends, July 25th and August 1st. Our association will have a significant presence at the fair with a booth that highlights the skills and dedication of our members along with an opportunity for the community to meet and greet some of our members and their horses. The fair is a fantastic platform for us to engage with the broader community, share our love for horses, and celebrate 80 years of this cherished county tradition.

A Special Thanks

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your unwavering support and participation. Your enthusiasm and commitment are what make our association strong and vibrant. Whether you are riding in the parade, volunteering at the festival, or volunteering at the fair, your involvement is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

As always, keep an eye on our website and social media channels for the latest updates, event details, and ways to get involved. Don’t forget to share your photos and experiences—we love seeing our community in action!

Thank you once again for your dedication and support. Here’s to a spectacular July filled with celebration, camaraderie, and equestrian excellence!

Warm regards and happy trails,

Tami Moore, President

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Event Calendar

The 2024 Calendar is being organized with plenty of varied activities to interest both you and your horse. Click the links for detail information and to register for the events!

JULY - No General Meeting – vacation time!   
July 4  Morgan Hill Freedom Fest Parade Yvonne Morgan Hill
July 4Almaden Lake Fireworks Rachael  
July 21
5D Play DayYvonne Showgrounds
July 25-28Santa Clara County Fair - SCCHA Education Booth and Horses!Rachael  Fairgrounds
Aug 1-4 Santa Clara County Fair - SCCHA Education Booth and Horses!
Rachael  Fairgrounds
Aug 16General Meeting and DinnerTamiClubhouse
Aug 16-18Camping  Kathleen Showgrounds
Aug 17 Potluck KathleenClubhouse 
Aug 185D Play Day Yvonne Showgrounds 
Aug 25English Schooling Show – Series FinaleSuzy Showgrounds 
Sept 6-8 Camping Kathleen Showgrounds 
Sept 7 Potluck Kathleen Clubhouse 
Sept 7Santa Cruz County Horsemen’s Open House
 Santa Cruz
Sept 8 Gaited Horseshow and PlaydayKathleenShowgrounds 
Sept 14New Almaden Days Jump-In Parade
RachaelNew Almaden
Sept 20General Meeting and Dinner
Tami Clubhouse
Sept 215D Buckle Play Day (New Rules)Yvonne Showgrounds
Oct 12SCCHA Fall Festival - Open HouseRachael Showgrounds
Oct 18 General Meeting and Dinner (Board Nominations)TamiClubhouse 
Nov 15General Meeting and Dinner (Board Member Election)Tami Clubhouse
Dec 14 Holiday Party and Board InstallationYvonne Clubhouse 
Dec 15Hoof-Beats Holiday Party – Crafts & Potluck 
Kathleen Clubhouse

Events - Last Month's Fun

Take a look at Facebook for Pictures....or check out the pictures (Click the link and scroll down): Pictures

English Show - Summer Fun:   Thank you to Suzy Paulazzo for leading the effort....What a fun day.  We had a lot of folks with smiling faces.  

General Meeting & Dinner:   Thank you Nivi Kottimukkalur and family for cooking up a storm...what an amazing gesture for a new member to cook the dinner for the club.  Many, many thanks for the delicious authentic Indian meal.

Camping and Potluck:   Thank you Kathleen O'Neill for hosting these fun events.  It's so nice to come camp for the weekend.  A big group attend the Monthly Meeting/Dinner, joined the line dancing class, sold tack at the tack sale, had a group trail ride, had a great potluck, and ended the weekend competing in the playday!   

5D Playday:   Thank you Yvonne Lee for hosting these fun playdays.  It’s so wonderful to see all the beginners as well as the seasoned riders.  And we couldn't do it without all the volunteers.

Country Line Dance Classes:     What a treat for the club, and a fabulous group of young and old.  Thank you Sydney and Leland for dedicating your time and talent.   We would love to see more events like this lead by our members who volunteer their time and talent.  

See a video of the line dancing here:

SCCHA Tack Sale:  Oh my gosh what a turn out.  Sooo many sellers and buyers.   We made over $600 for Hoof-Beats thanks to the donations by members: Mary Shapiro, Skip Lightfoot, Valerie Merlin, and Linda Carcione and non-members: Teresa Treanor, Bill Posey, and Jeanette Espindula.

Shared-Use Trail Safety Information Table:  Thank you to the volunteers who are our Equestrian Ambassadors at the county parks!


The Membership Survey:  

We are SO excited for the rest of the year. To make it as rewarding as possible, we want your feedback on any revisions or additions to the current offerings so our club feels more like family and a true horse community. Because we really want to know your thoughts, we extended the survey until August 4th.   Folks who respond (and include their names) are put into a drawing for a free dinner at a monthly general meeting. We will give out three (3) free dinner tickets.  Check your e-mail and respond for a chance to win! The drawing will be held at the August General Dinner/ Meeting.

Thank you, the SCCHA Board of Directors.

Membership - Bring a Friend.  Help Grow the Association:  

Tell your friends about the "Horsemen's".  Their first dinner, as a guest, is free at the General/Dinner Meeting.  Have them apply for membership!  Membership Application

June 21 - General Meeting Minutes

CTO at 8:03 by Linda Carcione.

Linda thanked Nivi and her family for the amazing Indian food dinner.  She also thanked Shalla for bartending. 

Pledge of Allegiance led by Steven McHenry. 

Guests: Evelyn Brown, Natalia Woodley

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Yvonne gave the May 2024 Treasurer Report.


SCCHA Campout and Potluck    6/21 - 6/23 and Playday

SCCHA Campout and Potluck    8/16 - 8/18 and Playday

Buckle playday in September.

Rachael reported we have a Park Event with the Park Rangers on Sunday 6/23. We continue to build relationships with bicyclists and educate the public about what to do when coming across an equestrian on the trail.

Rachael thanked Michelle Hiatt and Linda for being with her at the Preservation Awards Night last month. 8 groups were highlighted, a great time was had.  We are mentioned as Sponsors.

July 4 we will be at the Almaden Lake Fireworks Festival, we have a booth, come visit us.  Races for the kids, lots of fun.  They estimate 25,000 people in attendance.  5 of us will man our booth on the 4th, fireworks at 9:15.

Also, on July 4 we will be riding in the Morgan Hill 4th of July parade.  Please sign up if you are interested.

The County Fair is the last week of July, and the first week of August.  We will be in the parade on July 27. We will have a booth and have horses.  Please feel free to volunteer or join us July 25-28, August 1-4. They estimate 80,000 people will attend.

We will have our second Open House on October 7.  All are encouraged to attend.

Rachael also talked about the membership survey, she asked that everyone complete the survey, it will be re-sent this week.

June and July birthdays were awarded a treat. 

Linda updated us that the ATT cell tower is moving forward.  A “monopine” design, with real trees surrounding it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yvonne said the grounds have been worked on, the weed whacking is challenging, and very time consuming.  Karen and Paul Tarasco, Liz Kehoe and her son CJ also came out and weed whacked.  If anyone is willing to help with this, please get ahold of Yvonne.

Butch is working with Cal Fire and County Fire; they are updating their emergency protocols and evacuations.  Butch works with the evacuation process surveying properties for evacuation purposes. He wanted to stress that everyone should have a plan A, B and C.  He said CalFire can no longer use the Horsemens for evacuations.

The established evacuation points are subject to change in a given moment.

Linda stated that current members can evacuate here, but you must feed and water your own horse, and hopefully stay with it.  In the past, we allowed staging here on our property, but this is no longer in place.  The members are allowed to bring their horses here in an emergency.

A list of places that can accommodate horses could be available for the Horsemens members.

She mentioned that Tami is not here due to the death of her grandmother.

MOTION TO ADJOURN at 8:18 made by Butch, seconded by Stephen, the motion carried.


Volunteer Corner and Donations

 Activity  Date  Volunteer Duties  Contact
General Meeting Dinners  3rd Friday each month Plan, prepare, set up, and serve a meal at the meeting  Jennifer Lien Gonzalez
Clubhouse & Grounds Monthly

We are looking for a volunteer(s) to weed whack the horse paddock before upcoming campouts and shows

Yvonne Lee (408) 203-1795
5D Play Days July 21 Gate monitor, registration, set-up arena between events, announcer Yvonne Lee (408) 203-1795
English Schooling Shows August 25 Gate monitor, registration, set-up arena between events, announcer Suzy Paulazzo
Santa Clara County Fair July 25-  August 1Represent the club at a booth at the Fairgrounds. Spread information about the Club's mission to the public.  Rachael Parakh

Photo Funnies and Classified Ads

On these hot summer days, nothing like a nice roll in the sand at the beach! 

Want to submit something to the Newsletter?

The Santa Clara County Horsemen’s Association publishes the Corral Chatter monthly for its members and friends. Please send articles of interest to by the 25th of the month to be published in the next month’s edition. 

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