Apply for Membership - Pending Board Approval
Note: Prerequisite to apply for membership - Attended three (3) events within a year and have a SCCHA sponsor. If you don't know anyone at SCCHA, contact Kathleen O'Neill at (The Membership Director).
To Apply for Membership:
1) Fill out the application, sign the liability waiver, and send to SCCHA with your check. Indicate your sponsor, the 3 events you attended in a year, and write a brief equestrian interest/background - so the members and board get to know you.
2) You application will be presented for vote at the monthly Board of Directors meeting.
3) Once your membership is approved, you will be notified and your check will be cashed..
Once you are a member, as long as you keep your membership current, you will never have to go through the Membership Application process again!!
Click here to Print & Mail a Membership Application Form
Mail signed forms with check to:
SCCHA - Membership
P.O. Box 20124
San Jose, CA 95160
Information about Membership ie: Benefits......Membership Overview & Rules, Trainer Policy, Liability Release Waiver